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San Juan Capistrano

Pictures by QT Luong

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San Juan Capistrano is one of the Mission San Juan Capistrano, often referred to as the jewel of the California Missions. Its Serra Chapel, the oldest building in California, is also the only standing building in California in which Father Junipero Serra gave Mass.

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Central courtyard framed by an archway. San Juan Capistrano, Orange County, California, USA ( color) Moorish-style fountain and  courtyard arches. San Juan Capistrano, Orange County, California, USA ( color) Palm trees reflected in central  courtyard basin. San Juan Capistrano, Orange County, California, USA ( color) Bell tower. San Juan Capistrano, Orange County, California, USA ( color) Garden in the entrance courtyard. San Juan Capistrano, Orange County, California, USA ( color) Soldiers barracks. San Juan Capistrano, Orange County, California, USA ( color) Arch in central courtyard. San Juan Capistrano, Orange County, California, USA ( color) South Wind Corridor. San Juan Capistrano, Orange County, California, USA ( color) Bell Wall. San Juan Capistrano, Orange County, California, USA ( color) Sacred Garden, with fountain and cacti. San Juan Capistrano, Orange County, California, USA ( color) Corridor with candles next to the Serra Chapel. San Juan Capistrano, Orange County, California, USA ( color) Side chapel in the Serra Chapel. San Juan Capistrano, Orange County, California, USA ( color) Serra Chapel, the only remaining  church where Fr Serra said mass. San Juan Capistrano, Orange County, California, USA ( color) 350 year old retablo made of hand-carved wood with a gold leaf overlay. San Juan Capistrano, Orange County, California, USA ( color) Altar and baroque retablo in the Serra Chapel. San Juan Capistrano, Orange County, California, USA ( color) Two women light up candles in the Serra Chapel. San Juan Capistrano, Orange County, California, USA ( color) Red candles in glass, sharp. San Juan Capistrano, Orange County, California, USA ( color) Rows of candles, narrow depth of field. San Juan Capistrano, Orange County, California, USA ( color) Sign explaining historical significance of Serra Chapel. San Juan Capistrano, Orange County, California, USA ( color) Mission basilica. San Juan Capistrano, Orange County, California, USA ( color)
There are 20 color pictures on this page out of 38 color pictures of San Juan Capistrano.

Themes: Mission San Juan Capistrano

Places: Orange County